Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post Election Analysis

Disclaimer- if you are not a Christian, this will not make sense to you and will probably get you very angry.  However, this is biblical truth, and I stand behind it.

"The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned."  (1 Cor 2:14-15 NIV)
As I watched the election results last night, and then going to sleep knowing what the result would be, I had a deep sense of sorrow come over me as I started to really understand what had happened.
The results shows the deep spiritual blindness of America.  Before you think I'm being critical of liberals or those who voted for candidates who consistently champion issues that are anti-god, anti-bible, and anti-life, I'm not going to do that.  There has been too much vitriol already,and frankly it takes away from the central truth of this situation we are in.  However, like most medical procedures meant to help bring people to health must first cause pain, so must the truth of God's word often causes offense to bring light into the darkness.
People in the darkness don't like people suddenly flipping on a light switch.  However, as a shepherd in the church, I have to speak the truth.  (See Eze 33:8)  It might cause me to offend people or loose friends, but I love you too much to water this down at all.
President Barak Obama is not a Christian, no matter how much he professes to be one.  In fact, the antichrist spirit works through him strongly.  To clarify, I don't believe him to be THE antichrist spoke of in the New Testament, but his ability to lie to a crowd and make them believe him is one of the hallmarks of how that spirit works in a society.  I had deep reservations about him the first time he ran for president but stayed silent as I didn't want to offend people.  I ask your forgiveness for that, and I can't in good conscience do that any longer.  The spiritual forces that are blinding people into exchanging the truth of God and Kingdom principles for a lie are moving too quickly now for watered down statements.  It also shows  also show one other thing, and this is the most important- the anemic influence the church and the people of God currently have on this society.  That corporately the church's fault, but mostly the fault of it's leaders exchanging the truth of God seen in the bible and the power of the Holy Spirit for popularity and church growth.
In the beginning of the book of Revelation, Jesus sends an angel with a letter of reproof to six of the seven major church's of the Apostle John's time.  He does not send letters to the political leaders of his time.  That is because a nation and society is ultimately a reflection of the spiritual health of the church in that country.  Last night we saw the blindness that has descended on many that name the name of Jesus as their God. 
The Apostle Paul warned us in 2 Timothy-

"The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, 10 and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness."
The delusion that is over America has many forms, to many to list here, but it boils down to spiritual adultrey.  God's people not seeking the Lord with all of their hearts, soul, mind, and strength.  That is the first and greatest commandment.  The next greatest commandment- to "love your neighbor as yourself", we are also guilty of not doing.  We have become so enamoured with the culture that we bow to the same idols as everyone else, and therefore loose any moral authority that should be ours as the people of God.  This is because moral authority is exercised through Spiritual power gained through intimacy with God.  The spirit of antichrist cannot operate in environments where God and His Word are held in esteem.  It cannot thrive when the truth is proclaimed and championed.  It cannot even exist where people have spiritual discernment and cannot and will not stand for people who lie to them (and we could show dozens of examples on either side of the political aisle).
President Ronald Reagan was found of quoting the following- "America is great, because America is good.  If America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great."  In God's eyes, goodness is defined as having a heart that is yearning after Him and His ways, as seen through His Word, the bible.  We are at the brink of turning our back on that, if not already there.
If the church and her people do not see this as a shaking and immediately repent and turn back to the pure faith, then America will join the other great empires of the past on the dump heap of history.
With a heavy heart and with much love-
Pastor John


  1. The world is a reflection of the church. If the church is carnal, the world will be carnal. If the church becomes apostate in the last days, what more should we expect. Sometimes God gives us the leaders we deserve and sometimes the leader we need. This time we got Saul rather than a David.

    1. I agree David. Many in the Pentecostal Church keep talking about "the end times revival". My bible doesn't talk about an end times revival. It talks about the apostacy that must come before the antichrist appears.

      In the end, American does not appear in biblical prophecy concerning the end times. I think we have seen why.
