Saturday, November 10, 2012

Being a Kingdom Patriot

The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said:
"The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever." Rev 11:15 NIV
Over this last week, I've been doing a lot of thinking and praying about the future. I've been examining my heart in regards to what is fairly evident to me as to what is about to happen to our nation.
I was raised, particularly by my maternal grandfather, to be a patriot- a lover of America who wouldn't hesitate to lay down my life to defend my country. My grandfather bore many scars, from fighting in the Pacific Theater in World War II, so his word carried a lot of weight with me. He wasn't just an armchair patriot, he carried the marks of one who would put his words into action. My grandfather instilled in me a deep love for my country, and was always encouraging me to study it's history and founding to really understand what made America great among the nations of the world.
My grandfather also modeled for me a respect for God, and the necessity to be a man of deep character. He didn't talk about his faith much, but it could be seen in the way he lived his life. Not a perfect man, but one who was humble and willing to help anyone who needed it.
Over the last year or so, I've been struggling with being an American patriot and being a citizen of the Kingdom of God. Dual citizenship is always problematic- you have a tendency to love one more than another. Even Jesus said a man cannot have two masters- he will hate one and love the other.
This dichotomy has been working itself out in me until recently I've just had to realize that my desire to fight for America would result in resorting to earthly methods of fighting. Instead of realizing that our conflict is not against flesh or blood, we need to realize it is a spiritual confict; largely invisible to our human sense that rages behind the scenes. The problems this nation faces are a direct evidence of that conflict in what we see happening around us.
Earthy methods to fight will result in earthy results- anger, irrationality, a lack of peace, and eventually (possibly) a civil war. However, if we recognize that this battle we see playing out before our eyes is simply a spill over from the spiritual battle that is occurring in a realm we cannot see, we will immediately put down our earthly swords and instead choose to do battle in the most effective and powerful way we can- through seeking God and praying for our country, it's people, and it's leaders.
This is going to be a very difficult concept for people to accept, especially for patriots of America, but the United States does not in anyway appear in biblical prophecy about the end times. America eventually has to at least fall far enough out of power for the antichrist to rise and take over the world, and we might be witnessing that right now. That thought can make us very nervous about our futures and what that means for us and our families. I choose to be comforted about this- God's plan continues to unfold, and He already knows the end.
So, we have a choice before us- we can war the way the world does and loose that battle, or we can choose to full commit ourselves to be Kingdom warriors- those that lay down our lives for the cause of Christ. Although the world may be falling apart around us, Kingdom warriors will find peace and rest in the fact that God has this all under control, and we are laying down our lives (figuratively or perhaps literally) for Kingdom that will never fade away or be overthrown.
This idea is something that we need to get ahold of and let sink deep in our spirits until it becomes part of our thinking and world view. Events are racing at breakneck speed toward the conclusion of all things. The end will come at it's appointed time.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post Election Analysis

Disclaimer- if you are not a Christian, this will not make sense to you and will probably get you very angry.  However, this is biblical truth, and I stand behind it.

"The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned."  (1 Cor 2:14-15 NIV)
As I watched the election results last night, and then going to sleep knowing what the result would be, I had a deep sense of sorrow come over me as I started to really understand what had happened.
The results shows the deep spiritual blindness of America.  Before you think I'm being critical of liberals or those who voted for candidates who consistently champion issues that are anti-god, anti-bible, and anti-life, I'm not going to do that.  There has been too much vitriol already,and frankly it takes away from the central truth of this situation we are in.  However, like most medical procedures meant to help bring people to health must first cause pain, so must the truth of God's word often causes offense to bring light into the darkness.
People in the darkness don't like people suddenly flipping on a light switch.  However, as a shepherd in the church, I have to speak the truth.  (See Eze 33:8)  It might cause me to offend people or loose friends, but I love you too much to water this down at all.
President Barak Obama is not a Christian, no matter how much he professes to be one.  In fact, the antichrist spirit works through him strongly.  To clarify, I don't believe him to be THE antichrist spoke of in the New Testament, but his ability to lie to a crowd and make them believe him is one of the hallmarks of how that spirit works in a society.  I had deep reservations about him the first time he ran for president but stayed silent as I didn't want to offend people.  I ask your forgiveness for that, and I can't in good conscience do that any longer.  The spiritual forces that are blinding people into exchanging the truth of God and Kingdom principles for a lie are moving too quickly now for watered down statements.  It also shows  also show one other thing, and this is the most important- the anemic influence the church and the people of God currently have on this society.  That corporately the church's fault, but mostly the fault of it's leaders exchanging the truth of God seen in the bible and the power of the Holy Spirit for popularity and church growth.
In the beginning of the book of Revelation, Jesus sends an angel with a letter of reproof to six of the seven major church's of the Apostle John's time.  He does not send letters to the political leaders of his time.  That is because a nation and society is ultimately a reflection of the spiritual health of the church in that country.  Last night we saw the blindness that has descended on many that name the name of Jesus as their God. 
The Apostle Paul warned us in 2 Timothy-

"The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, 10 and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness."
The delusion that is over America has many forms, to many to list here, but it boils down to spiritual adultrey.  God's people not seeking the Lord with all of their hearts, soul, mind, and strength.  That is the first and greatest commandment.  The next greatest commandment- to "love your neighbor as yourself", we are also guilty of not doing.  We have become so enamoured with the culture that we bow to the same idols as everyone else, and therefore loose any moral authority that should be ours as the people of God.  This is because moral authority is exercised through Spiritual power gained through intimacy with God.  The spirit of antichrist cannot operate in environments where God and His Word are held in esteem.  It cannot thrive when the truth is proclaimed and championed.  It cannot even exist where people have spiritual discernment and cannot and will not stand for people who lie to them (and we could show dozens of examples on either side of the political aisle).
President Ronald Reagan was found of quoting the following- "America is great, because America is good.  If America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great."  In God's eyes, goodness is defined as having a heart that is yearning after Him and His ways, as seen through His Word, the bible.  We are at the brink of turning our back on that, if not already there.
If the church and her people do not see this as a shaking and immediately repent and turn back to the pure faith, then America will join the other great empires of the past on the dump heap of history.
With a heavy heart and with much love-
Pastor John

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Our Prayer Life

    Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar before the throne. The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of the saints, went up before God from the angel's hand.    (Rev 8:3-4)
I've been thinking alot about the prayer life.  There are so many theological questions I have about the reason we pray, and admittedly many of them are a bit self centered.  However, in light these words recorded in scripture, many of those questions move to the back burner given the primacy and value of our prayers in God's eyes.  It doesn't say the works of the saints, the nice things we do for others, or even the martyrs sacrifice are closest to Him.  It's our prayers that are so dear to Him that God keeps them close and in front of Him at all times.
Both as a pastor and as a paramedic, I've been in hundreds of homes.  One thing I've noticed- people surround themselves with what they treasure.  A brief look inside the living room of a person's home will show what they treasure most- perhaps it's pictures showing family, a banner or wall hanging showing a favored sports team, or an expensive entertainment center. 
God however doesn't have (or even need) any of these in his immediate proximity.  Instead, our Lord has the most precious thing to him in the favored position in His home- the prayers that the saints of God (thats you and me if you are a follower of Jesus!).  Prayer is so precious to Him that in both the Temple on Earth and the Temple in heaven, the bible records the altar of incense, representing prayer, to be the first thing God sees looking out from His throne.  It is the closest thing to His presence, and the thing that brings God the greatest joy.
Remember that when you are having a struggle with or if you question the need for a prayer life.  Second only to your initial salvation experience when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, your prayers touch the heart of God more than anything else in creation.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

My Response to Liberals Accusing Evangelicals of Hypocrisy

 I have read a lot of blogs/articles accusing Evangelical Christians of being hypocrites for supporting a Mormon for president. 
Let me make it clear- Almost every election I've been allowed to vote in, the choice has been the lesser of two evils.  Unfortunately, our political system does not support a person of absolute integrity making it as far as the national elections.  Neither candidate holds up to perfect Christian ideals (we are not voting in Jesus after all). Nor have the candidates been "good" Christian's in the way my fellowship would define them. 
However, we can judge (judgment is a good thing in this case) based on the content of the charactor of the man in question and their pledge to hold to biblical values.
That is the criteria Evangelicals should use.  Research the candidates, hold them up to the bible standard for leaders, and above all pray for God's wisdom before you go to the polls.
That's my view.