Sunday, August 23, 2009

Thought for the Week- August 24th, 2009

Luke 1:54 He has helped His servant Israel, In remembrance of His mercy

This weekend was my 20th High School Reunion. I wasn’t planning on going so I didn’t sign up for it at all. I really didn’t have many friends in high school that would attend the reunion, so I didn’t feel a need to go.
This last Friday I was asked by the YAH (Young at Heart growth group) to be their projectionist for their movie night at church. I gladly accepted as I needed alone time to work on my sermon for Saturday anyway. I set up the movie for them, and went to my office and spent some quality time with God in prayer and study of His word.

After the event was over, the thought came to me that the “ice-breaker” was being held at a restaurant on the way home, so I called Tammie and told her that I might stop by. Besides, I knew David and Amy Maack would be there, so I’d at least have them to talk to.

I walked into the noisy and very crowded restaurant and found the Maacks standing by themselves. I got over to them and had a good time talking to David for along time about various issues as Amy caught up with several of her choir/music friends. As I sat there talking, I watch as my former classmates caught up with each other about what was going on in their lives. It being an adult gathering, there was a lot of alcohol being consumed, and its effects were becoming apparent on several people. After about an hour, I excused myself at went home.

I felt strange the next few days thinking about that night. It was a confusing array of nostalgia, regret, pain, and remembrance- emotions I rarely allow myself to indulge in. I really didn’t talk to anyone except David, and mostly just watched the people that were there. I couldn’t put a finger on exactly how I felt about it until Sunday morning. As my church family worshipped God together, the Holy Spirit moved two people in the service to give “words” from God. One of them dealt with God’s birthing process, and the pressure that brings new life into the world.

Then it hit me- throughout all the conflicting emotions and noise of that night, I finally figured out what God was trying to say to me. He was calling to remembrance the person I was the last time I was with these people. I, like Paul, “was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. (1 Tim 1:13)”
God was reminding me the great works HE has done in my life. Although I might not have the earthly position, status, or possessions many in my class had or now have, I was exceedingly rich in the most important and lasting ways- ways that will echo into eternity. Although the last 20 years have been ones of great trial and pain (particularly before I knew God), the reward has been a development of Godly character, substance, wisdom, and humility. Although I don’t claim to have fully obtained this (Phil 3:12-14), the person I was last time I was with those people is completely different from the person I am today. If fact, that person is dead, and the person you see before you today is alive in Christ and Christ alone!

Take a moment and have a time of remembrance this week. Allow God to take you back and rejoice with HIM in what HE has done in your life.

It will blow your mind, lift your heart, and propel your spirit into praising HIM for the exceedingly abundant blessings HE has poured out in your life!

Love and blessings!