Sunday, March 20, 2016

No Greater Love

Greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends.
Jesus- John 15:13

This last week, Blair-Preston Fire Department responded to a house fire.  They found heavy fire conditions that rapidly grew into an explosion of fire called a flashover, yet at peril of their own lives they heroically fought through the inferno and saved the entire family.  Tri-County Ambulance transported them all to Tri-County Hospital, who’s Emergency Department along with other departments within the hospital worked feverously to treat all five family members to make sure they were stable enough to transfer to another hospital.  Gold Cross Ambulance and their dispatch sent as many ambulances as needed to ensure everyone made it to the next hospital. 
Everyone involved with this incident deserves the community’s gratitude and appreciation for their selfless and heroic efforts in saving the lives of a family in our community.
2000 years ago, a young man in his 30’s faced a similar circumstance in a garden outside of Jerusalem.   He faced a different set of dangers.  Jesus knew He was facing the one of the most horrific deaths imaginable- crucifixion.  Not only was Jesus facing that, but He knew that for the next 12 hours He would be beaten, mocked, spit upon, and flogged until the skin was hanging from his torso. 
The bible records that Jesus was under so much stress, that sweat fell off his face like drops of blood. 
Just like the people who stepped up this last week to save their neighbors, Jesus made His decision.  He who was without sin became sin for us, so that we could have right standing with God.  Because of His bravery and commitment to the plan of God, we all have the opportunity to accept Him as Lord and Savior, and someday go to be with Him in Heaven.

Happy Easter to you all!