Israel wants to build apartment buildings in an area of a city (Jerusalem, Eastern part specifically; it contains the Temple Mount and borders the Mount of Olives) that they've had in their possession for over 35 years. Israel won this area during the 6-Day-War, after a coalition of Arab nations came against Israel in an attempt to destroy the fledgling nation. Israel has kept these lands, even though some in the United Nations claim the lands are disputed and really should belong to the Palestinian people. The Palestinian people are a group comprising of largely former Jordanians (approx 80%) or nationless people, that live in and around Israel. They are generally opposed to the very existence of Israel, as Israel is now occupying land that was their people's prior to Israel re-becoming a nation in 1948 (ignoring that Israel had that land two thousand of year prior).
Prime Minister Netanyahu visited the White House this week in order to explain Israel's position and his belief that as a sovereign nation, they have a right to build whatever housing they want on their soil. When the prime minister would not acquiesce to President Obama's insistence that Israel should stop the construction to keep his plans for a peace treaty alive, President Obama walked out of the meeting and told the prime minister to call him when he changed his mind. To do this to a "regular person" would be quite rude, but to a foreign head of state, especially one that is allied with the United States, it is inexcusable.
I know many people would claim that President Obama is a Christian. However, given his policies, beliefs about social issues, and the people that he surrounds himself with, I don't see it. Jesus said in Matthew 7:16 you will know them (false Christians) by their actions (fruits). One indication of a heart that is hard toward the things of God is a hatred toward Israel. President Obama has gone out of his way to be conciliatory to every Muslim, Buddhist, or other national figure that he has gone overseas to visit, or has visited him in Washington. However, whenever an Israeli leader visits, he is rude and insistent that he gets his way.
America has long stood behind Israel because of it's Judeo-Christian heritage. Historically, we have understood the promise from the bible that "Whoever blesses you (Israel, through Abraham) will be blessed, and whoever curses you (Israel) will be cursed" (Gen 12) . However, with the current president, that relationship is becoming more and more strained. President Obama has surrounded himself with people that have spoken out publicly of their hatred of Israel, and often blame Israel for most of the problems in the middle east region. These beliefs have culminated in a rejection of Israels right to sovereignty, and in insulting it's prime minister.
I was very troubled by this, as I know that America has largely rejected God on it's own, and the only thing holding back His wrath is America's friendship and support of Israel. However, with that apparently disappearing, the floodgates of judgment could be opening further on our country. As I prayed about these things this morning, God showed me a few things that may bring some comfort-
- As wonderful as our support of Israel has been, it may be holding Israel back from revival and completely trusting God. Israel has a historic tendency to look to foreign governments for it's survival (biblical Egypt in particular) instead of looking to their God.
- The prophetic events of Ezekiel 37 have largely taken place in that the nation of Israel has been reborn (dry bones living). In order for the events of Ezekiel 38-39 to take place, Israel will have to be standing alone and in peace with it's neighbors in order for the nations of north and those that surround them to attack them unexpectedly. No one dares to attack Israel directly now because of our pledge of protection.
- In another news story, Russia and the USA have announced new atomic weapons treaties, further reducing the number of warheads each country has. This favors Russia much more than the USA as the Russian government can't afford to continue maintaining these arms. It also gives the world the illusion that Russia is interested in peace. Quite the contrary....
If you are following our church's reading list for the day, you are in Isaiah. The prophet tells us this- "You who call upon the Lord, give yourselves no rest; and give HIM no rest, until He establishes Jerusalem, and makes her the praise of all the earth." (Isaiah 62:6-7).
Continue to lift up Israel in your prayers. Pray that she be protected. Pray that she come to know her God. Most of all, pray that she, nationwide, come to know her Messiah, Christ Jesus.
Many blessings